Monday, July 14, 2008

Back from camp!

Well, we made it through church camp, are home and totally exhausted! We had an awesome time up there and did lots of fun things. The weather cooperated fully, we only had rain one day, cold one night, and the rest of the time sunny and warm. Considering we were in Gaylord, MI, that is quite an accomplishment, even in July! :)

So now I am going through the mountain of clothes that the three of us wore that week, plus, add the clothes that hubby and sons wore, and I have quite the laundry to do! I also have to make sure that I have all my 13 year old son's clothes, as he is leaving for camp next week. So I have to wash everything he owns and get him all packed up, while still leaving him clothes to wear this week.

I also am going through the hundreds of emails that I got while I was gone!! I knew that I got spam, but I didn't realize exactly how much until I wasn't able to get on and delete them for a whole week. Talk about time consuming. Let's hope that there are some legitimate business inquiries buried somewhere in all of them. :D

Anyway, it was a great time but I'm really glad to be home and in my own bed again.

Until next time.


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