Thursday night was the small animal banquet. It was very nice and the guest speaker made some very good points in his speech. He is a parent who is also a buyer. He talked about how if each one of the people who were at the banquet just put away one dollar a week, then there would be a ton of new buyers so that when it's 11:30 at night and the auction is still going on, there will still be buyers there. This year, when it came down to the last kids, everyone was already gone. I felt terrible, but as I was working the auction, there was nothing I could do about it. One of the girls in my club actually pulled the rest of her animals out and decided not to sell them since there were no people there! So this next year I am going to invest my husband's help and have him sit out there as a buyer and bid on the end animals. Not that we need any more mind you, we have a farm full, but we will do it for the kids. We'll buy some broilers, they are good eating!
Last night was the horse banquet and again, there was a very nice speech made. The president of the horse association asked for a show of hands from all the kids who had already sent out their thank you cards. Nine kids raised their hands. She put those nine in a line, handed out envelopes, and in one of them was a $50 bill! In the other eight there was a $1 bill. She did this, as a business owner, as an incentive for the kids to get their thank yous out to their sponsors. She told a story of how one year they went to the livestock auction, purchased a steer, and never received a thank you from the child they bought it from. Never received the picture, nothing. They have never been back as a buyer since and she stated it would take a whole lot to get her to buy again.
Now tonight is the livestock banquet. We will see what type of speech is made there. I will let you know!
Until next time,
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