Tuesday, October 28, 2008

VACOC Monthly Guest Expert Teleseminar Series:

How to NOT Undersell Yourself in a Down Economy

DATE: Thursday, November 20, 2008
TIME: 5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST
DURATION: 60 minutes (call in 10 min. early to secure your seat)

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This class is open to all Virtual Assistants, small/boutique business owners, solo professionals, solopreneurs and independent professionals. Invite your business buddies! If you know some folks who would like to attend, feel free to copy and paste the contents on this page, and post invitations on the forums, listservs and groups you participate in.

Mikelann Valterra, Director of the Women's Earning InstituteHas the economy got you down? Do you worry you won't earn enough, but you find yourself giving away free time and discounting your services in other ways? Author Mikelann Valterra, directory of the Women's Earning Institute, focuses on empowering women to earn their worth—even in a down economy.

In this powerful teleclass, Mikelann explores the psychology of why even successful business women undersell themselves and what to do about it. Women who "underearn" deal with complex emotional issues around making money. Mikelann will look at the emotional and financial cost of discounting yourself and your services, and the message you convey when you suppress your fees. She will talk about how to protect your time as well as what people really want to buy from you. She will also explore the hard notion that not everyone should be able to afford you and how this translates when the economy is down. Lastly, she'll discuss ways to feel great charging your full fee.


  • How and why women under-price themselves;

  • How getting in touch with "resentment" can make you more money;

  • How to avoid discounting yourself;

  • How to protect your time;

  • How to charge your full fee and feel great about it!

... and much, much more!

Be sure to register today to reserve your spot and get your burning questions answered!


About Mikelann Valterra

Mikelann Valterra is the founder and director of the Women's Earning Institute and the author of the book, "Why Women Earn Less: How to Make What You're Really Worth," and the workbook, "How to Set and Raise Your Rates." As a specialist in earning issues, she speaks and consults widely on how to overcome self-sabotaging beliefs about money. From KOMO News 4 to the Washington Post, she talks about transforming one's relationship to money, and how women can earn at their potential. To subscribe to the free monthly "Earn Your Worth" e-newsletter, go to http://www.womenearning.com.

Until next time,

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A Fun Game of Tag

Colleen over at CMJ Office tagged me with this and I thought it would be fun to share. Thanks Colleen!

So, here’s my info for the tag.

10 Years Ago, I was…..

  1. Taking care of a newborn (my fourth).
  2. Operating my own home daycare.
  3. Only in my mid thirties.
  4. A lot slimmer than I am now.

5 Things on Today’s To-Do List……

  1. Work on transcription project.
  2. Do the Meals on Wheels route.
  3. Get laundry done.
  4. Work more on revamping my website.
  5. Get costumes ready for Halloween.

5 Snacks I Enjoy……

  1. Anything chocolate
  2. Sunflower seeds
  3. Pretzels
  4. Popcorn
  5. Jordan Almonds

5 Places I have Lived….

  1. Kincheloe AFB, MI
  2. Kokomo, Ind
  3. Clark AFB, Philippines
  4. Minot AFB, ND
  5. Beaverton, MI

5 Jobs I have had…..

  1. Nurse Aide Coop in a hospital
  2. Secretary at a print shop
  3. Daycare owner
  4. Legal assistant
  5. Office manager at a law firm

Bloggers I’m Tagging….

  1. Dawn over at The Egghead Blog
  2. Christine over at Christine Wade's Blog Group
  3. Cheryl over at CH Enterprises
  4. Danielle over at The Gritty VA
I could only think of four bloggers, so that's all I've tagged, but you can tag as many as you want!

Until next time,

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Monday, October 27, 2008

New post from the VACOC

Join the VACOC Kiva Lending Team and Help Alleviate Poverty

You, too, can be a philanthropist!

The VACOC now has its own micro-lending team on Kiva and YOU are invited to join us in the fight against poverty. It's free to join and you can make a loan at any time to help a fellow entrepreneur out anywhere in the world. It's good karma and you are repaid 100% in full when the load is paid off.

Here's how it works:

Kiva is the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend directly to unique enterpreneurs in the developing world. You can lend as little as $25 to a specific low-income entrepreneur in the developing world (hey, $25 is a WHOLE LOTTA MONEY in those areas). You choose who to lend to—whether that's a baker in Afghanistan, a goat herder in Uganda, a farmer in Peru, a restaurateur in Cambodia, or a tailor in Iraq—and as they repay the loan, you get your money back.

If you join the VACOC lending team of Virtual Assistants, you'll be joining forces with one of the most respected Virtual Assistant associations out there and working with us to alleviate poverty. Once you're a part of the team, you can choose to have a future loan on Kiva "count" towards our team's impact. The loan is still yours, and repayments still come to you, but you can also choose to have the loan show up in our team's collective portfolio, so the team's overall impact will grow.

Anyone is welcome to join our team. I hope you'll join! To sign up (it takes like one minute!), visit: http://www.kiva.org/community/viewTeam?team_id=2197

(post written by Danielle Keister, VACOC founder)

Until next time,

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